What is a Man?


The world’s interpretation of a man’s identity is perverted and pushed in advertisements, reality shows, magazines, movies, entertainment figures, and schools.

What is being taught to men has become two-faced. Men are taught to be macho or told they are too aggressive and must eliminate their “toxic masculinity.” Male strength is being redefined as unnatural aggression. This has gotten convoluted and confusing. Where do men stand? It doesn’t matter which side they take, it seems nowadays, they are always wrong. This agenda is taking men out at the knees. How can men stand firm on how G-d created them to be?

The church has not offered much support, because many churches have become influenced by society’s new norms and have had their own identity castrated. Churches are afraid to stand firm, be the real church the Father has intended, and proclaim what scriptures truly say! Young men are affected and influenced by all of this. Men’s identity is in a state of crisis.

Does a Woman Give a Man his Manhood?

Many men believe that it is the woman who gives a man his manliness. Many men search for their true male identity in women. The internal voice of the enemy will say that his masculinity must come through the sexual conquests of a woman. This is deception, and it needs to be confessed and repented. Using a woman as an object to dominate is not G-d’s way. Instead, the woman’s desire for a man should be the RESULT of the man’s true, G-dly manliness, not the source of it.

Manliness does not come from dominating a woman; it comes from conquering the fleshly desires within. It’s by conquering himself in Adonai G-d.

We are at War. The Enemy Wants to Defeat the Warrior!

Our country and our Judeo-Christian culture is being attacked. Have you seen the enemy’s strategy? First, there is an attack on our country’s borders. “Walls are immoral.” Then they attack the strength and power of men. “They have toxic masculinity.” When you demolish the barrier (our physical walls) and undermine the warriors (men), then you have a country that can be easily conquered. Not good.

They are trying to eliminate our barriers; now, they are trying to destroy our warriors. 

What G-d Intended. 

Hold fast to this beautiful truth – Masculinity is a gift given by Adonai G-d the Father.

A man is designed to protect G-d’s kingdom and be a leader. He is meant to cover the family. A covering is a form of protection. He is intended to lead the family. To lead is to point the family in the right direction. Women lead the home too, but in a much different way. Women can protect their children fiercely, but in a different way. Men are designed to be a stronger vessel. Men are symbolic of strength. There is power and force in their determination. Because they are the protector, they must remain strong. The impact of the enemy will always hit the man first. Masculinity, as G-d intended, is necessary for survival. The strength in manhood protects our home, our country, and the Kingdom of G-d.

Men protect their domain, spiritually, and physically. Many people like to blame Eve for transgressing, but Adam failed to protect Eve from the enemy! Adam did not display the courage and strength needed to protect.

Many men are afraid of the courage and strength that it takes to be strong and secure in Adonai. Yet, manhood is the tip of the spear. They are the frontline of attack. When his spiritual aim is straight, and he understands his G-d given position, he can do severe damage to the enemy.

G-d designed VIRTUE to be man’s foundational strength. When men have integrity, they can face the enemy without wavering. Their eyes are fiercely fixed on the enemy.

There is strength in character. When men have courage and strength, they honor responsibility. Men can have the power to advance the Father’s values. When a man’s character is strong, he cannot be moved!

True manliness can only be attained through a relationship with Adonai, his creator. Through his relationship with Adonai G-d, he can fulfill the purpose for which he was created. Manliness is not sought, but it is revealed through Adonai.

False Manliness

The ways of G-d can threaten a man’s ego and pride. Many will fear true manliness, and they will cling to the fleshly plans and desires that the world has. Yet, not even the world understands the true identity of a man. The manly image of masculinity is an attempt to mask insecurity. The feminine image being pushed onto men strips him of his strength and courage, something so vital to man’s identity as the protector.

There will be a conflict between Adonai’s will and a man’s own will. Men have to prove that they can do it on their own to prove their masculinity, yet they operate out of G-d’s will. That will be their downfall.

The power of virtue, strength and honor is what true masculinity and manhood is all about.

True manliness is a threat to darkness

When men, as believers, are in alignment with Adonai, the strength and authority of G-d can move through him. When men begin to be honest with themselves and die to self, they will start to live a life of manhood. Everything based on the flesh of men’s manliness will be done away.

Men, are you going to submit to Adonai? When He calls you, will you become His men of honor, integrity, character, and principle? Will you be His warrior? Are you going to allow the Father to take your puffed-up attitude, your intentions, and nail them to the Cross, so that you can receive His Spirit, to build and establish His Kingdom on earth?

The Christian man has to realize that his ultimate masculinity is not rooted in his earthly father, but in Adonai, who created all men and who will lead them to true manliness through Messiah Yahshua.

The Yahshua standard is our model for men!

The fleshly force within men is impossible to subdue or control by our human efforts and strength. The more we surrender this fleshly force to G-d, we will begin to be free from the fear of this fleshly force, and we will start to focus on Adonai’s goals for our life.

The man, who insists on dominating and controlling people, is the one who refuses to allow Adonai G-d to dominate him.

Surrendering to Adonai will give men their manliness, resulting in keeping the male spirit within them. Adonai can provide men with a life that is in control.

Men of G-d must demonstrate a willingness to confess and submit to Adonai G-d through Messiah Yahshua. This will produce something that every man desires; strength in opposition, determination despite uncertainties, and power despite the danger.

“Father, I surrender myself. I am tired of wasting energy, having to protect my ego and pride; I surrender myself to you, Father. Make me the man that you want me to be.”

Instead of focusing on ego and pride, men of G-d focus on virtue, strength, and honor!

When men accept the challenge to live every moment as a warrior for Adonai, they will arise with enthusiasm for challenges and risks driven to the limits.

Society wants to ignore these qualities in men, destroying their G-d given manliness.

The mission, within the body of Yahshua, is not to effeminate manliness, but to redeem them! They are not women, nor must they be coerced to become more like women. They were created to be valiant men.

Toughness is often seen as a sin to many. This drives many men away from the church. Many men see the church as a female rein on his toughness; could this be the reason why many men reject the church? Men have compassion; they just show it differently than women. Yahshua was compassionate, but he was not effeminate. Yahshua’s character would not be moved. He always stood firm, even when it meant death.

We have seen Yahshua representing the lamb of G-d, but remember, He will return as the lion!

Manliness stands on virtue and honor. Men are willing to stand for what is right, till the very end! That is their gift; unwavering strength to hold fast and protect what is right!

Amen & Shalom,

Eliyahu Praise



About Eliyahu

 A Teaching & Resource Ministry:           To Equip the Saints in a Profound Way

A Teaching & Resource Ministry: To Equip the Saints in a Profound Way

Our ministry has over 30 years of experience teaching, counseling, and pastoring. Knowledge of scripture, theology, and hands on experience being in the front lines of spiritual warfare, has given us insight on the deeper truths and applications of scripture.

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