Our Level of Spiritual Authority


The level of your spiritual authority comes in different stages. It is contingent on how obedient you are to His Word, and how much G-d can trust you.

Our Level of Spiritual AuthorityYour development is similar to a small child of an earthly king. You try to pick up your daddy’s heavy sword and wave it around. You may “act” the part, but you are not ready. You are an heir, but you have not been appointed yet for certain tasks. You need training, maturity, and life experience. You need to know and understand your Father’s ways. It is no different in the spiritual realm.

The moment that you are born-again, you are an heir entitled to rights, benefits, and delegated authority, in Yahshua. These are the same rights given to any other believer. It is a privilege that no person can take away from you.

We all have the same authority to pray, with our petitions, and have power over evil spirits, in personal areas of our life.

Apostle Paul mentions that just because we are born-again does not mean we can go anywhere and act as if we have all authority. We cannot just go and tear down strongholds where we would like and do what we want to do because of our title.

As a new believer, there is much to learn. There are spiritual territories, and not everyone is assigned nor appointed to go into every territory. We each have different gifts, and we will each have a particular calling. As with each assignment, there must be training and understanding.

G-d transfers certain authority as a father would to His child when you reach a level of maturity.

  • Your ability, gifting, purpose, and talent will determine whether you move in revelation and authority.
  • Your revelation of the Salvation of G-d determines the area of authority you will walk in
  • Your understanding of scripture, of G-d and His ways, will determine the level of authority you will walk in
  • Your ability to discern the will of G-d and your obedience to those commandments will determine the authority that you walk in
  • Your connection to the heart of G-d – can He trust you to do what He wants and not what you want, will determine how much authority He will give you to function in
  • Your level of lifestyle purity will determine the level of authority that you walk in
  • Your level of faith in G-d, the Name of Yahshua, and the Word of G-d will determine your level of authority.

Authority is Delegated Not Seized

Our assignment and purpose from G-d will determine our level of authority in His Kingdom.

What you can do at all times is claim any promise in the Word over yourself and your situation. It does not matter where you are, amongst foreigners or with your countrymen. You can declare G-d’s promises over yourself in any situation.

When it comes to specific assignments, callings, and purposes of G-d, He will delegate His authority to particular individuals qualified to complete that assignment. Any other believer who decides that he wants to take over your assignment will not have the authority to complete the assignment. Within the Kingdom of G-d, we move in different areas of authority.

Paul talks of some who are feet in the body, while others are the hands, etc. The question is not whether G-d uses us; instead we should be focused on how G-d uses us. Do not compare your gifting with someone else’s gifting. We each have our position in the battle. Each position is important as it completes G-d’s overall plan.

What assignment will He give you? You may not know or become aware of the assignment immediately. You could easily stumble into it or have it come across your path when you least expect it.

We must be ready to be G-d’s servant at all times. He will always test us with each assignment to see if we are receptive, responsible, and willing. If He trusts us, more will be given.

Each assignment comes with a level of authority. Just like an ambassador is given a specific task, we need to be commissioned by G-d to do what He has called us to do.

Paul tells us that certain believers carry more authority than others because of their assignment. Paul says he has great authority to war over them, to bring down false thinking, and to deal with the agents of darkness’ strongholds when he gets to the city.

2 Cor. 10:3-5,  For although we do live in the world, we do not wage war in a worldly way; because the weapons we use to wage war are not worldly. On the contrary, they have the power of G-d for demolishing strongholds. We demolish arguments and every arrogance that raises itself up against the knowledge of G-d; we take every thought captive and make it obey the Messiah.

Paul goes on to explain that G-d has given him authority for specific cities that were assigned and measured out to him. He declares he does not have all authority, but he was given delegated authority over the Corinthian Church.

Paul clearly said that even though he was an apostle, it still did not mean he had authority wherever he went. G-d had assigned to him to a specific sphere and region, and he knew that he was moving under the delegated authority and assignment of G-d.

When I know that G-d has sent me, then I receive that authority to do what I have been assigned and purposed to do by the One Who has sent me.

When your assignment has you going into foreign territory, you have the same rights in that territory as you do in your familiar domain. It would be similar to having equal American rights in a foreign country. BUT, you do not have the same rights to decree the principles of G-d in another nation unless G-d commissions you to go. You must make sure G-d has given you the assignment and has sent you or else you can get badly hurt by the enemy.


G-d Will Back You Up When He Sends You.

With the different callings and gifts, comes particular and distinctive obligations. With each responsibility comes accountability. Based on how responsible and accountable you are, will determine your authority.

As you move up in your authority you will be held more accountable. A word for leaders whom G-d has given authority in an area and you do not use it; you will be liable for the things that go wrong.

Ezekiel 33:6, “ But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the shofar so that the people are not warned; and then the sword comes and takes any one of them, that one is indeed taken away in his guilt, but I will hold the watchman responsible for his death.”


Gifting + Calling + Responsibility + Accountability = Authority

It is easy to corrupt our G-d given authority from G-d. This can take place when we move in pride. We must use our authority accurately to how G-d has delegated it and assume in advance what to do, and then we can confirm with G-d, knowing He will bless our actions.

Yahshua showed us the proper way to use authority. He did nothing on His authority, but only what the Father told Him to do. John 5:19, “Therefore, Yahshua said this to them: ‘Yes, indeed! I tell you that the Son cannot do anything on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing; whatever the Father does, the Son does too.”

Having the authority of G-d and using His power is a humbling, incredible, relational experience. Handle it with the utmost respect and care!

Keep your eyes fixed on Him and wait for His next move!


Eliyahu Praise


About Eliyahu

 A Teaching & Resource Ministry:           To Equip the Saints in a Profound Way

A Teaching & Resource Ministry: To Equip the Saints in a Profound Way

Our ministry has over 30 years of experience teaching, counseling, and pastoring. Knowledge of scripture, theology, and hands on experience being in the front lines of spiritual warfare, has given us insight on the deeper truths and applications of scripture.

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