Intercessory Prayer


Our warfare is not with people but against the kingdom of darkness. This warfare is beyond us, and we cannot engage on our own abilities. We need to understand that the victory comes from an eternal foundation of righteousness!

We should not fear the dark kingdom, but we must not be ignorant of it. Spiritual warfare should not make us fearful and nervous. Season and transition mean that a day of visitation from G-d will entitle spiritual warfare.

In intercessory warfare, we execute the judgment of G-d on the dark kingdom, based on the works of Yahshua Messiah.

All darkness, standing against the fruitfulness of the glory of G-d, is opposition and must be crushed. In our warfare intercession, it should be focused, targeted, and aggressive against the agents of darkness.

When we prophesy using our voices and instruments, we become a war club of light released upon our enemies. The light delivers blows upon the agents of darkness, shattering and crushing them with the judgments of G-d.

 Jeremiah 51:20, “You are my war club and weapons of war – with you, I shatter nations; with you, I destroy kingdoms.”

When Yahshua Messiah returns, He will return as a conquering King of WAR, with the army of Heaven following Him; clothed in fine linen,

Revelation 19: 11-15 “His eyes were like a fiery flame, and on his head were many royal crowns. And he had a name written which no one knew but himself. He was wearing a robe that had been soaked in blood, and the name by which he is called is, “THE WORD OF G-D.” The armies of heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses. And out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down nations-“He will rule them with a staff of iron.”[a] It is he who treads the winepress from which flows the wine of the furious rage of Adonai, G-d of heaven’s armies.”

Did you know there is a curse on those who do not fight in this battle?

Jeremiah 48:10,  A curse on him who does the work of Adonai carelessly! A curse on him who withholds his sword from blood!

Are you going to be passive for the Kingdom of G-d, or are you going to be active in His Kingdom?

When we intercede in our warfare and make proclamations, we are setting off a reaction. The spiritual realm responds. The enemy is weakened.

And when we speak the word- which is the sword of the Spirit- it divides what is real from not real, what is true from false, and what is holy from unholy. The Kingdom of Darkness becomes severely compromised.

Our intercessor warfare is based on the foundation of righteousness and not based on our desires, ego, or our abilities.

We must hear accurately what the Spirit of G-d is doing in our home, our neighborhood, state, and country. The Spirit of G-d knows precisely what is happening in the mayor’s office of Colorado and the political spheres that surround this man. The Spirit knows exactly what is happening in Congress and is directing the President’s steps. When we can hear G-d’s Spirit and walk in His timing, we can pray accurately with strategy and focus.

Revival is part of spiritual warfare. What is revival? It implies that restoration and visitation from G-d are imminent. We will go through restoration and rejuvenation before evangelism and harvest take place. G-d uses those times to prepare our hearts and the land before He gathers in the lost.

The Alters of G-d:

The influence of the warfare intercession determines how strong the altars of G-d will be, in any geographical location. If His altars are established, you’ll find G-d releasing His presence and His Glory upon these locations.

Whoever sits at the gates controls what takes place in that territory from the gates.

Alters and Gates in the Dark Kingdom:

Altars in the kingdom of darkness have symbolic and religious importance. Agents of darkness consider these altars as holy and revered objects. Gates of darkness are places where they release their evil presence and influence upon that territory. Spiritual darkness consumes the area, and transference of evil communication with deities and other spirits occurs.

The kingdom of darkness is very structured and organized. Evidence of their influence shows spiritual and physical poverty and oppression. The powers of darkness strategize, taking hold of the political and governmental systems in that territory or area. They want to control the institutions that can deliver the most impact of corruption.

They want the institutions that hold the most power, and they will corrupt that power. These forces will control and operate spiritual gates that will have a spiritual manifestation in the physical through the altars of darkness. Agents of darkness and their practices will be present.

Wherever you find an altar of darkness, there will be agents of the dark kingdom, and a covenant in existence over that territory or area.

Physical altars are located near shrines or idols. In some cases ritual sacrifices take place. Different statues of idols will represent an ancient ancestral god. This is the physical symbol of the invisible gates, and altars. They are the entry points where spiritual activity will take place in that geographic location.

These gates/altars generate dark, powerful forces that will produce a dark spiritual seal and cover over that territory. Covenants in a particular region establish agents of the dark kingdom before gates/altars of darkness are created.

Where darkness is released from dark gates and altars, the area will be riddled with idolatry, oppression, depression, perversion of all kinds, immorality, poverty, death, and murder.

Agents of darkness (people or spirits) controlling these gates/altars will be bound together by a covenant or agreement. Through this covenant, they are able to release dark powers in the physical and spiritual.

Many agents of darkness have made covenants with death. This is one of the strongest covenants to break in the dark kingdom. Agreements with death are similar to making a covenant with the enemy himself.

Isaiah 28:15b, “Because you said, ‘We made a covenant with death, we made a contract with Sh’ol. When the raging flood passes through, it will not touch us. For we have made lies our refuge and hid ourselves in falsehoods.’”

The enemy cannot operate physically on earth without physical agents of darkness (people). When people contact the dark kingdom by invocation, incantation, conjuration, ritual sacrifice, and demonic spiritual fasting, they are opening spiritual portals of darkness. This is how they receive the power to influence people in their location and environment.

This is where our intercessory warfare will be needed and implemented!

Father is equipping and training His intercessors to battle against agents of darkness. He equips our hands (which represents mission)

Psalm 144:1, “Blessed be Adonai, my rock, who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle.” He trains us before He sends us out to do battle.

The battle belongs to G-d. When we allow ourselves to fall under His authority and banner, we will have sure victory over the dark kingdom.

Obedient intercessors who are committed to serving G-d and His purposes will utilize His weapons of war. 

Isaiah 30: 30-33, “Adonai will make his glorious voice heard, and he will reveal his arm descending with furious anger in a flaming firestorm, with cloudbursts, tempests and hailstones. For Adonai’s voice will terrify Ashur, as with his scepter he strikes them down. Every sweep of the punishing rod that Adonai imposes on him will be to tambourines and lyres, as he brandishes his arm against them in battle. For the Tofet fire pit has long been ready, prepared for the king, made large and deep, with plenty of wood and blazing with fire; like a stream of sulfur, Adonai’s breath sets it aflame.”

With our praises, the power of His Glory blasts through the dark. When we praise and shout with cries of war, the voice of G-d pierces the kingdom of darkness. The opponents of His Kingdom are crushed with His right hand, in warfare intercession and praise.

Exodus 15:6, 12, “Your right hand, Adonai, is sublimely powerful; your right hand, Adonai, shatters the foe. You reached out with your right hand: the earth swallowed them.”


Psalm 98:1, “Sing a new song to Adonai, because he has done wonders. His right hand, his holy arm have won him victory.”

When we praise and play our instruments, they release notes and sounds of the kingdom of light, which G-d then uses in the spirit realm to deliver blows to the enemy.

G-d supplies His strength to His intercessors who are not afraid to fight the gates/altars of darkness and release His righteous justice upon them.

Isaiah 28:6, “He will also be a spirit of justice for whoever sits as a judge, and a source of strength for those repelling enemy attacks at the gate.”

G-d is preparing intercessor warriors with a unique anointing of the Holy Spirit to release His wrath upon agents of darkness and turning the battle back to their evil gates of unrighteousness over territories. He’s training them to use His weapons of war,

Jeremiah 50:25, “Adonai has opened his store of arms and brought out the weapons of his wrath; for Adonai, Elohei-Tzva’ot has work to do in the land of the Kasdim.”

When you are walking in His will, you are in the right place at the right time. Keep your eyes on him, during these times of darkness, and He will keep your path straight.

Psalm 37:23-26, “Adonai directs a person’s steps, and he delights in his way. He may stumble, but he won’t fall headlong, for Adonai holds him by the hand. I have been young; now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendants begging for bread. All day long, he is generous and lends, and his descendants are blessed.”

Be ready to stand firm. We will fight for G-d. Intercede with focus and determination. Do not be moved by fear. We will not be moved!!

Psalm 27: 3, “If an army encamps against me, my heart will not fear; if war breaks out against me, even then I will keep trusting.”

Keep praising, Adonai! Praise Him over all the earth!

Amen & Shalom,

Eliyahu Praise

About Eliyahu

 A Teaching & Resource Ministry:           To Equip the Saints in a Profound Way

A Teaching & Resource Ministry: To Equip the Saints in a Profound Way

Our ministry has over 30 years of experience teaching, counseling, and pastoring. Knowledge of scripture, theology, and hands on experience being in the front lines of spiritual warfare, has given us insight on the deeper truths and applications of scripture.

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