Discerning the Lie from the Truth


As advocates of Messiah, we have the responsibility to discern that which is of the kingdom of darkness, and which is of the kingdom of G-d. How to discern truth must come from one source only – our Holy, G-d and His Word.

The truths of G-d and principles will always be supreme and rule over the kingdom of darkness. It is the only true substance.

The adversary cannot create his own substance! He cannot stand alone, apart from G-d. He has no truth or substance of himself. He is a creation, not the creator. He can only steal from the designs of G-d and principles and twist them for his agenda and deception.

Deception Can Begin from a Wounding

Why does the adversary have such a grip on so many? Many lies start when trauma happens in a person’s life. Lies will develop as a result of trauma and pain from these agents of darkness.

A lie can come from false conclusions as a result of pain and trauma. This false perception of yourself creates bondage and strongholds. It separates us from truth and reality. Strongholds develop based on lies from the agents of the dark kingdom. A false reality of yourself is established. Truth becomes twisted.

Traumatic events can bring a destructive pattern and cycle in a person’s life. Whenever there is a wound that comes from the adversary, there will be a lie. We need to live in the truths of G-d from our spiritual heart. The lies that are a part of your hurt will need to be broken with the blood of Yahshua Messiah, and His Name to live in victory.

When people live their life from their hurt, lies from the adversary will be guiding them!

Examples of lies:

  • I will never get better
  • I am a terrible person
  • G-d helps others, but He will not help me
  • I deserve to suffer and live in pain the rest of my life
  • I will never be safe enough to live life in freedom
  • I will never amount to anything

The enemy tailors each lie to people in pain and trauma, solidifying the lie that they will never be free. It keeps people living from their hurts instead of their true understanding of who they are in Yahshua.

The adversary whispers in your ear, “Quit trying, you will never get better from this trauma.” This lie then becomes fixed to pain and trauma. As a result, people will live the rest of their life in distress, day after day. Then, when an anniversary of the event comes up, or the person who abused you comes near, the cycle of trauma starts over again, orchestrated by the agents of darkness. It’s a never-ending cycle and pattern.

The pain seems to be unstoppable. Lies from the dark, evil kingdom, planting seeds, making us believe there is nothing we can do. Because the lie is so strong, the pain repeats over and over again. We truly believe the lies of the adversary are true. These experiences can be so overwhelming. We come into agreement that we will never get better, creating that stronghold.

Address this with Yahshua. Ask Him to bring truth to who you are, and ask for His guidance in breaking the stronghold of lies. When you have a heart to heart talk with Yahshua about this, the healing process of that wound begins. And ask the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) to reveal the lies because if the injury remains unhealed, the lie can reattach itself.

Once the lie is exposed, you will need to renounce it. Renounce this false reality and replaced the lie with the truth.

2 Cor. 10: 4, 5, “Because the weapons we use to wage war are not worldly. On the contrary, they have God’s power for demolishing strongholds. We demolish arguments. and every arrogance that raises itself against the knowledge of God; we take every thought captive and make it obey the Messiah.”

Tools To Use Against the Lies of the Enemy:

Replace the lie with the truth from the Word of G-d,

Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through him who gives me power.”


John 10: 10, “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, life in its fullest measure.”

Identify certain emotions attached to the lie, where you may get stuck. Emotions can be a beautiful thing, but they can also be a huge hindrance when they’re connected to a lie. These are the ones you work hard at avoiding them. Allow yourself to experience these emotions, then ask G-d to help you get back to His inner stability. Allow yourself to receive support and love from people that are close to you. Use these experiences to grow and mature as a child of G-d.

Work on identifying and exposing the enemy’s lies that were attached to the unhealed wounds in your life, then replace those lies with the light of the truth of the Word of G-d. Knowing the truths of G-d will allow you to be set free to live in victory and freedom.

Pray that Yahshua would heal your wounds, identify lies, and replace them with His truth. Remember, living in truth is living in reality. Living in the lies is living in an alternate reality, which is an unreality. We were lost, but in Yahshua, we’re found!

I petition, Yahshua, to start to cleanse me from all harmful and damaging thought patterns. I ask for all false perceptions of life, of myself, of who You are, and any past trauma, be revealed. Yahshua, I pray that You will cancel every ungodly, unhealthy negative thought pattern in my life. Please unlock my potential, giftings, and insight. Replace my false perceptions with Your opinion of me in the name of my redeemer Yahshua Messiah. In the victorious and powerful name of Messiah Yahshua, I lose my thoughts from strongholds and bondage of the lies of the evil one. Release me from his hold on my mind, and over the way I think, break the cycle of negative thinking and replace it with the truth of the Word of G-d.


Eliyahu Praise

About Eliyahu

 A Teaching & Resource Ministry:           To Equip the Saints in a Profound Way

A Teaching & Resource Ministry: To Equip the Saints in a Profound Way

Our ministry has over 30 years of experience teaching, counseling, and pastoring. Knowledge of scripture, theology, and hands on experience being in the front lines of spiritual warfare, has given us insight on the deeper truths and applications of scripture.

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