Who Has Authority Over Your Personal World?


We all have the ability to make wise choices in our lives. Once we start walking with Adonai, we want to abandon the wisdom of the world and embrace the wisdom and truth from above. When we are under the authority of Yahshua, our understanding of His wisdom increases.

Proverbs 2:6, “For Adonai gives wisdom; from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding.”

We need the wisdom to help us navigate through life and live a righteous life. We also need to understand that difficult circumstances help us grow and learn valuable lessons. Circumstances are endless lesson opportunities in life. We cannot control events, but our wise decisions can bring about favorable results and help us avoid unfortunate outcomes. But even when we are living a righteous life, we will encounter trials.

Our response to circumstances is the key. Our response is how we are weighed and measured. Consider Job – his circumstances were horrendous, despite living a righteousness life. Job was being tested. How he chose to handle the challenging conditions was his testing. Would Job be wise in his response? Could he keep his inner life and attitude in check, given the hand he was dealt? He struggled with this.

We are not promised a perfect life. We are told we will have adversity, yet Adonai G-d doesn’t want you to be ruled or dominated by any circumstance. He doesn’t want you ruled or fooled by agents of darkness. Scripture teaches us and provides wisdom and understanding on how to overcome. When you are born anew, you are in partnership with Adonai, and are empowered by Him to rule and reign your life with wisdom and truth!

We talk about being an overcomer, being a conqueror, reigning, and being triumphant in Yahshua, yet the process to get there can be difficult. Triumph often comes from struggle.

Many believers quote heart-warming phrases, slogans, and scriptures, declaring a life of overcoming victory. Are they truly victorious, or is their head in the sand? Could they be in denial, beaten up by their circumstances, walked on by the enemy at every turn? Being called an overcomer and having the abundant life of Yahshua is Adonai’s desire for us, but it is not a reality for many.

We talk of having dominion over our lives. We use the expression, “In the name of Jesus” to correct and gloss over everything. We sing about being overcomers.

Yet, the reality is:

  • Our minds are controlled by sin and compromising thoughts
  • We display very little joy or peace but go through the same anxiety as unbelievers experience
  • We declare the power of prayer, but few see results
  • Many of our marriages are failing
  • Our children grow up questioning G-d and His reality
  • Our career and business’s fail while those who don’t know G-d prosper
  • We speak of a G-d Who is in authority; we live in a godless corrupt world structure controlling our schools, cultures, and government
  • We sing songs about evangelizing our neighborhoods and cities for G-d, but in reality, we haven’t overturned a city yet.

Something has to change!! Do we truly have dominion over our private and personal world? Is our inner man in complete subjection to Yahshua, or does the enemy torment us? Do our own choices have a positive effect on the world around us, or are we in bondage to the worldly cultures?

You don’t have to be concealed and controlled by the dark powers in our culture. Don’t let the enemy influence your decision making or your emotions!

The wisdom Adonai G-d gives you will help you reign over the circumstances in your world, your body, and your thoughts. His knowledge and understanding provide you with peace over your destiny. He will give you Adonai’s authority over your family, business, and home. The thief does not need to be killing, destroying, and stealing your peace and joy from unfortunate circumstances. Adonai G-d has given you the authority to overcome and rise above.

It is prophesied that we will overcome.

Genesis 3:15, “I will put animosity between you and the woman, and between your descendant and her descendant; he will bruise your head, and you will bruise his heel.”

Having Authority Over Our Private and Personal World

Authority is the right to rule and reign. It is not power, and it is not the ability to rule that gives someone authority. It is the right.

The right that has been appointed to you is with the armor Adonai has given you. He appoints you with truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and, most importantly, salvation. Salvation is the key to having the authority to resist the enemy’s schemes to destroy us. We are covered by His redemption and seated with Him.

Ephesians 6:12-17, “For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. So take up every piece of war equipment God provides; so that when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist; and when the battle is won, you will still be standing. Therefore, stand! Have the belt of truth buckled around your waist, put on righteousness for a breastplate, and wear on your feet the readiness that comes from the Good News of shalom (peace).  Always carry the shield of trust, with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the Evil One. And take the helmet of deliverance (salvation); along with the sword given by the Spirit, that is, the Word of Adonai;”

The inspiration of the Word or a manifestation of the Father’s revelation helps empower your right to reign over your circumstances. You have to understand and know the Word, to be able to have the wisdom to know that you can have authority over your circumstances. Understanding what Messiah Yahshua did for your life will give you that victory.

Power has never been the issue between the battle of right and wrong within your life. The issue is identifying whose authority you are standing under. Yahshua did not come to deal with the power of the adversary at the cross. The Word says that Yahshua came to deliver us from the authority of the adversary.

Authority is the Issue:

Hebrews 2:14, “Therefore, since the children share a common physical nature as human beings, he became like them and shared that same human nature; so that by his death he might render ineffective the one who had power over death (that is, the Adversary)”


1 John 3:8, “The person who keeps on sinning is from the adversary, because from the very beginning the Adversary has kept on sinning. It was for this reason that the Son of Adonai appeared to destroy these doings of the Adversary.”

The word destroy is used as a legal term in spiritual realms. It can mean to dismantle, crush, and to render a contract that is something legally that binds; to acknowledge that someone is no longer bound.

Matthew 16 speaks of binding and loosing; this is the same word for loose, G-d is saying: I am going to give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. I am going to give you authority to dissolve, or loose, or void, or undo the legal hold that the enemy has over you.

He has delivered us from the authority of darkness.

Col 1:13, He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son.

So no matter what your circumstances are, you are delivered from the darkness of that circumstance. Your understanding and perception can change, and you can be victorious, no matter what the situation.

He gives us power and authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. Messiah Yahshua gives us the right to rule. You have the right to stop the adversary from invading your mind and personal world. He only does what we allow him to do in our life.

Luke 10:17-20, “The seventy came back jubilant. “Adonai,” they said, “with your power, even the demons submit to us!” Yahshua said to them, “I saw satan fall like lightning from heaven. Remember, I have given you authority, so you can trample down snakes and scorpions, indeed, all the enemy’s forces; and you will remain completely unharmed. Nevertheless, don’t be glad that the spirits submit to you; be glad that your names have been recorded in heaven.”

The enemy knows who has the revelation of Adonai G-d, and whose identity is in Yahshua. We are not trying to match the enemy’s power with Adonai’s power. There is no contest. Once we have a full revelation of the lie, it dismantles the adversary and his agents’ influence in our mind and over our circumstances.

Controlling our circumstances is not the key to happiness and peace. Having the wisdom (which comes from Adonai) to see through or see past our circumstances is what will bring us peace and joy. Wisdom and understanding keep us from being caught up in the moment and reacting because we “see” the whole picture the way Adonai sees it. He gives us the knowledge to resist and rise above anything the enemy gives us.

What the enemy wants is to have dominion over our mind. He wants us to feel lost and out of control. With Adonai, all things are possible. No matter what looks bad, Adonai will turn it around for His glory. Complete trust and obedience in Him will give us peace in our personal world, no matter what the circumstance.

James 1:2-4, “Regard it all as joy, my brothers, when you face various kinds of temptations; for you know that the testing of your trust produces perseverance. But let perseverance do its complete work; so that you may be complete and whole, lacking in nothing.”

Amen & Shalom,

Eliyahu Praise



About Eliyahu

 A Teaching & Resource Ministry:           To Equip the Saints in a Profound Way

A Teaching & Resource Ministry: To Equip the Saints in a Profound Way

Our ministry has over 30 years of experience teaching, counseling, and pastoring. Knowledge of scripture, theology, and hands on experience being in the front lines of spiritual warfare, has given us insight on the deeper truths and applications of scripture.

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