Cabalistic Magic in the Heavens


One of the most potent occultic weapons in the kingdom of darkness used by the top structure of the New World Order is Cabalistic magic.

Cabalah Basic History and Doctrine: 

Many call the Cabalah a set of spiritual beliefs or philosophies. Those associated with the Cabalah and its history believe the Cabalah itself was the original source of beliefs in Scripture, and may have originated during the time of Adam.

The Encyclopedia Judaica defines it as “The traditional and most commonly used term for the mystical or hidden teachings of Judaism and for Jewish mysticism.” It is considered a “Method of Perception” of the spiritual/heavenly world. This perception is attained through the sixth sense.

The Cabalah is a collection of writings that were amassed shortly after 70 AD by the rabbis who fled Jerusalem just before Tiberius conquered it. The Cabalah has been revised over generations. Today it is sold among wealthy Jews. Many books about the Cabalistic beliefs are best sellers in those elite societies.

Within Cabalah, all things are part of an organized whole. There are secret laws which govern the universe; numbers and letters are essential keys to the universe. Man is both G-d and Universe in miniature. The Cabalists believe that they can be free of human limitations. This ideology is based on astrology and a mystic view of the tree of life. Twenty-two paths lead to the Cabalistic tree of life. To each of them were attributed colors, animals, precious stones, scents, and magical formulas, etc.

The Cabalist path to knowledge consists of two levels: Attaining revelation of “The Upper Force” and studying and practicing “The Upper Force.” This spiritual force can be mastered. The concept of a personal G-d and salvation is absent.

Since the early centuries, Cabalah is the primary term for Jewish mystical traditions, connected with a symbolic view of reality, of the mystic religious life, and a way to attain a mystical experience of G-d through the invocation of divine names.

Encyclopedia of Judaism points out that Cabalism represents a rebellion against traditional Judaism. Ever since the second century, Cabalism has been a trend in Jewish culture.

They were not satisfied with traditional ways to approach G-d and wanted to pursue their understanding of G-d through mystical pursuits hoping to achieve more intimate and meaningful contact with their G-d.

Jewish mysticism, like Christian mysticism, strongly influences those who believe it. It does not necessarily influence the popular belief of the religion itself but resides in the elect few.

Cabalism is divided into the philosophical and the practical expression. Not all Cabalists accept the magical occult tradition of practical Cabalah. Many may have engaged in mysticism or redefined occult practice into more acceptable intellectual or scientific categories. A true Cabalist cannot help but be affected by either the metaphysical or practical use of Cabalism.

The Zohar

The most significant work in the Cabalah is the Zohar. The Zohar is a mystical explanation or review on the Torah (the first five books of Scripture). Many Jews view the Cabalah to the same level as the Bible and the Talmud (Jewish commentary on the scriptures). The Zohar is considered one of the most sacred books of Judaism.

Many in the Jewish population believe that the Zohar is a standard philosophical text on the Cabalah, yet the Zohar is nothing but a book of mystical insight. The Zohar suggests that it was the work of a human psychic instrument or channel. The mystical revelation of the Zohar was written through automatic writing. The Zohar describes the author as an inspired scribe recording the wisdom of Cabalah. The scribe was a vessel channeling the Cabalistic collective unconscious.

The Encyclopedia Judaica reports that various spiritual methods of writing the book are mentioned. Automatic writing is mentioned in several sources, and spiritualistic phenomena, both spontaneous and deliberately induced, are also mentioned in various sources.

The Zohar’s particular style contains foreign and assumed languages, the reversed arrangement of specific letters, and a strange collection of words and phrases. The scripting is not altogether clear in its interpretation and meant to be studied. Not just anyone could understand it’s meaning. It is only meant to be understood by the elect few.

What came to be considered practical Cabalah established a cluster of all the magical practices that developed in Judaism from the Talmudic period through the Middle Ages.

The dualistic arrangement of good and evil “potential” goes back to Chaldea. It can be traced through mysticism and gnostic beliefs that had influenced the creation of the ancient Cabalah before it reached the medieval influences.

Practical Cabalah became so entwined with the occult that most Cabalists disavowed it. Yet occult experience and practices are hardly occasional or uncommon in the life of the Cabalists.

The opposition of the unproven or assumed Cabalists to black magic was unable to present a collection of all kinds of magical remedies in the findings of practical Cabalah. Many times the white-magical practices of amulets and protective charms could be found side by side with the invocation of agents of darkness, incantations, and formulas for private gain (e.g., magical shortcuts, the discovery of hidden treasure, and assurance in the face of one’s enemies, etc.) and even sexual magic and necromancy.

In occult circles, cabalism is used through methods traveling through the astral plane. Magic is performed by concentration and arousal of “The Force” within the mind. This allows the mind to project images against targeted individuals (such as the President) who are a threat to the kingdom of darkness.

Cabalism is a religion of power – spiritual power that is a continuation of the old forms of worship of Baal and Molech which G-d so severely condemned throughout the Old Testament. It is a form of satanic worship; the people involved in it never use the term “satan.” They teach and serve “The Master.”

It is the so-called “white” or “black” magical occultic practices that are condemned in both testaments as interacting with spiritual agents of darkness. The Cabalah is unfavorable both ethically and morally to biblical teaching. We should not be surprised to find that it endorses an unbiblical view of G-d.

The Cabalah Promotes and Teaches:

  • Mysticism. Merriam-Webster describes mysticism as an experience of mystical union or direct communion with ultimate reality reported by mystics and the belief that direct knowledge of G-d, spiritual truth, or ultimate reality can be attained through subjective experience (such as intuition or insight)
  • That you can achieve mystical cabalistic wisdom and knowledge
  • Secret teachings
  • False revelation
  • Spiritual divination (communication with the dead)
  • Secret un-known spiritual knowledge
  • Certain symbols and meanings as extreme hyper-spiritual reality
  • Magic
  • Veneration of the Names of G-d
  • Dark evil numerology
  • Alchemy and Hermetics
  • Miracles dependent on knowledge
  • Magical power through sacred knowledge

The Tree of Life, according to Cabalist, is perceived as much more than a physical tree. They believe that it describes a system of spiritual energy, flowing from the immeasurable Light of G-d. It is known as the Ohr Ein Sof, which is supposed to be part of the created universe. The creation was produced through a system or medium of the ten Sephirot (believed by Cabalists as the “Shechinah”). The Cabalist version of the Tree of Life is also comparable to the different levels of consciousness.

The essence of the fundamental substance into the visible matter is the central doctrine of the Cabalah. The mystic Cabalah strives to define G-d and the universe. The Cabalist believes and alleges that Cabalah revelation was passed down to elect from a distant past, preserved only by a select few

This is the crux; both metaphysical and practical Cabalism oppose the doctrine and commandments of the Word of G-d, and the rest of the Hebraic scriptures. While modern-day Judaism has been more accepting of the Cabalah, the nineteenth-century orthodox Jews correctly saw the Cabalah as having a potentially disastrous impact on Judaism.

Part of what believers are contending with is dark evil Cabal magic in the heavens used by agents of darkness. It may be what is battling with our President and others that are a threat to the kingdom of darkness.

Throughout the Scriptures, the call of G-d is clear, “Come Out!” G-d called Abraham out of Ur; out from the pagan worship of his fathers and family. G-d called His People out of Egypt. When Israel entered the land of Canaan, G-d warned them not to mingle and mix when their worship was confronted with pagan traditions and gods. G-d calls this idolatry. The Anti-Christ system will be pushing for unity in all the nations. Their method may take the form of mystic spiritual wisdom and knowledge to attain a higher level of peaceful humanity.

G-d continues to call His People out to return to His Ways of righteousness, which is always grounded in His Word.



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 A Teaching & Resource Ministry:           To Equip the Saints in a Profound Way

A Teaching & Resource Ministry: To Equip the Saints in a Profound Way

Our ministry has over 30 years of experience teaching, counseling, and pastoring. Knowledge of scripture, theology, and hands on experience being in the front lines of spiritual warfare, has given us insight on the deeper truths and applications of scripture.

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