Belief Systems Form a Stronghold


A belief system can become a type of stronghold. To understand how this works, we need to begin at the beginning. Let’s look at the definitions.

belief is when trust is placed on a person, thing, or concept.

A belief system is the set of realities about the world that a person believes to be true. It includes morals and what one defines as right or wrong. A belief system can also be described as a religion. Religion by definition is a “system of beliefs.”

What are people’s belief systems today? Many don’t understand the meaning of religion and claim that they are not religious. “I am spiritual but not religious.” This is a fallacy. A belief system, by definition, is a religion. So if they believe they are spiritual, that is a form of religion. Most people think that religion is only about believing in G-d, yet if they don’t believe in G-d, then they would be categorized as an Atheist. Atheism is a belief system or form of religion.

Everyone is religious because everyone has a belief system. Some people blend two or more religions and call it their belief system. An unfortunate example would be the blending of Christianity and New Age.

We have a belief system about G-d. What do we believe about Him? What will He allow, or not allow? Is He mean, stern, loving, or kind? We all have a perception of what we think He is like.

The information that makes up a belief system forms a pattern or perception of what you believe in your heart. You can change your conscious thoughts, but you cannot change what is rooted in your belief system just by a conscious decision.

It is difficult to change this pattern or perception because it is a way of thinking that is ingrained over time. You cannot just change it by deciding to change it. Before long, you will stop thinking about it. It will rise again from your unconscious mind and take over your thoughts and actions once more.

Your belief system/religion is a platform in your mind that categorizes your thoughts and perceptions. All these thoughts have been built into a consistent way of thinking. Your belief system makes you predictable in situations. You will respond in a certain way, think in a certain way, and talk in a certain way. It’s a guarded or protected pattern of thinking. What controls your thinking about how you show affection, how free you are to do this, or that, and how you relate to people and culture is your belief system.

When a Belief System Becomes a Stronghold

A stronghold is what you firmly and deeply believe. Your deeply held beliefs are so ingrained that it will determine how you instantly react or respond. It is a resolute mindset that is resistant to change.

During spiritual warfare, a stronghold of darkness is a system of thoughts that tries to control and lock a person into an unhealthy way of thinking. The enemy is seeking the territory of your mind. His goal is to have outright control of your soul through your mind, will, and emotions.

If you have filled yourself with lustful thoughts and you have chosen to dwell in these places, then you have a system of thinking that allows agents of darkness to control and imprison you there. Once you have entertained the lustful idea and chose not to “resist the devil,” it will reside in your mind. We are not to entertain these thoughts because it opens a spiritual door.

We Can Have a Stronghold of Righteousness

How can you loosen these strongholds from the enemy? You do not start by trying to remove them on your strength because you are already compromised. You begin by establishing G-dly strongholds and belief systems. G-dly strongholds are ethical, spiritual, moral, and biblical truths. Immerse yourself in the Word and implement them in your life. Renew your mind daily!

Romans 12:2 “In other words, do not let yourselves be conformed to the standards of the ‘olam hazeh (world). Instead, keep letting yourselves be transformed by the renewing of your minds; so that you will know what G-d wants and will agree that what he wants is good, satisfying, and able to succeed.”


Psalm 144:2, “He shows me grace, and he is my fortress, my stronghold, in whom I find shelter, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues my people under me.”

We need to establish strongholds of righteousness in our minds; this allows G-d to rule over what and how we think.

When the kingdom of darkness tempts you with impure thoughts or immorality, they will have no effect because you will not come into agreement or entertain the idea. You will have established a righteous stronghold in that area of your life. We must build strongholds of truth that stand on what the Word says about us in every aspect of our life.

Nahum 1:7, Adonai is good, a stronghold in time of trouble; he takes care of those who take refuge in him.

A stronghold in the mind either enables G-d to guide us and have dominion or allow the agents of darkness to influence us and have dominion.

When a Stronghold Becomes a Culture

Once a stronghold is anchored or sustained, it moves into the culture. Culture is the systems of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of people and is corporate programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another.

The beliefs, values, and lifestyle choices in a group define a culture. It determines what is important to them, what they will buy, how they will dress, and what they will promote and decree. A culture with its traditions and mindset quickly passes on from one generation to the next. We can all be affected by the culture we live in.

If you cant discern the atmosphere or climate-induced by agents of darkness, you won’t know how to resist an attack from a godless culture. “My children will perish for lack of knowledge” (Hos 4:6a). You can’t afford to be ignorant about what is happening. You must be able to comprehend what is going on, or you will not be able to discern where the attack is coming from, especially if you are weak in some area of your life. The moment you get into that atmosphere, and you don’t have the proper stronghold, you will begin to be overtaken by that environment or culture!

Belief systems all work together within atmospheres, regions/territories, and climates in the spirit until that region is favorable to bring forth specific characteristics within that belief structure.

What kind of culture do you want in your life?

Every home has a culture; it could be one of peace, joy, and lovingkindness.

Your workplace has a culture. There is a way of doing things, and there is a set of belief systems that control it.

The Word of G-d says, don’t be conformed to the world around you. Let’s make sure that we are living out the “right culture.”

Romans 12:2, “In other words, do not let yourselves be conformed to the standards of the ‘olam hazeh, (the world). Instead, keep letting yourselves be transformed by the renewing of your minds; so that you will know what G-d wants and will agree that what he wants is good, satisfying, and able to succeed.”

Let’s stop being molded by the external appearance or pattern of this world. Don’t let the culture you live in determine how you will live your life. Permit the culture from within you to surface. This will determine how you will live!

Do not dress like them, do not act like them, do not adorn your house with material frivolities like them, do not engage in the worldly traditions like them! Each action you make in all areas of your life should reflect your   G-dly belief system, not the system of the world.

Let’s be conformed to the culture of the Kingdom of G-d. Think as a Kingdom person thinks. When we build something centered on the Kingdom of G-d we build it around G-d, not ourselves.

Today, we are in a compromised position in America. Our culture was more in line with the Judean mindset seventy to eighty years ago. The culture had morals very similar to scripture. It was easy to co-mingle with un-believers because unbelievers still had a sense of integrity, for the most part.

It is very different now. Our generation has been slowly affected like a frog in a pot of boiling water over the last generation.

We need to take a hard look at how much our beliefs and morals are compromised. We have been cunningly deceived to embrace the change that has slowly evolved over these years.

The difference would have been much easier to recognize if we were bible-believing missionaries walking into a pagan culture. You can see the stark contrast immediately. But we are bible believers in a culture that now no longer endorses what the bible stands for. We are in the minority.

When do we put on the brakes? When do we stop behaving like them? How do we draw the line? To what degree are our morals compromised? Did we get swept away with incorrect thinking? Take some serious time with the Father, get in the Word, and come clean on any form of compromise.

We are reaching and grasping for a “Kingdom Principal” culture that doesn’t exist in our country like it used to. If we live out the Kingdom mindset, we will be starkly different from the world. Some believers may not be able to do it and will remain lukewarm.

It is easier to live with a like-minded culture than with a culture that is opposed to scripture. Our culture today is not the bible believing culture we once thought. Much of the media doesn’t reflect it. Do not be fooled. When we truly understand that we must live very differently, then we will be no longer be compromised.

Matthew 16:18, “I also tell you this: you are Kefa,” [which means ‘Rock,’] “and on this rock, I will build my Community, and the gates of Sh’ol will not overcome it. Yahshua said He will build His Church! He said He would give His Church authority to function in His Kingdom.”

Are we sold-out believers that want to bring and legislate G-d’s Kingdom on earth? Are we going to extend His Kingdom culture everywhere we go? Are we going to challenge this present culture in atmospheres, regions, and territories? Can we overcome hatred and strife with love and forgiveness, speaking words of freedom and life? What would a Kingdom culture look like on earth?

Kingdom culture is where G-d gives you His righteousness. In His nature, you begin to live differently, without strongholds of false beliefs. You live a holy and upright life, not because you are trying to work your way to Heaven but because you have a new nature that is like G-d, and you do not want to sin anymore. You will desire wholeness and completeness. Your mind will be in a place of wholeness, and it will feel protected, defended, and guarded by G-d. This strength is what you will carry into our defiled culture.


Father, we come before You now, and we are asking You for a culture of holiness, righteousness, peace, and joy! We declare that we are going to build strongholds of joy in our homes, strongholds of health in our homes, strongholds of righteousness in our thinking, and with our families.

Father, we don’t want to build our lives only around our needs. We want to build our families around You and what You want for us. Father, You will always take care of Your children. Help us to build a Kingdom-Culture in all we do and all we are! Take us to a place where we experience intimacy with You, Father. We want to experience the joy of worship so that we can celebrate life, victory, and the presence of our King!

Amen & Shalom



About Eliyahu

 A Teaching & Resource Ministry:           To Equip the Saints in a Profound Way

A Teaching & Resource Ministry: To Equip the Saints in a Profound Way

Our ministry has over 30 years of experience teaching, counseling, and pastoring. Knowledge of scripture, theology, and hands on experience being in the front lines of spiritual warfare, has given us insight on the deeper truths and applications of scripture.

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