Are We Renewed In Our Mind?


We are a multifaceted human being.

We are comprised of a spirit, soul and body. All three of these components interact and intermesh with each other. The body is the temple, the spirit is our connection with the Father and the mind holds our process on reality, our will, and our emotions.

Agents of darkness try to corrupt us through the mind. The enemy’s gates of entry are through our five senses. Eve was attacked in her mind through doubt. Her senses then deceived her. Genesis 3:6, “When the woman saw that the tree was good for food (taste), that it had a pleasing appearance (sight) and that the tree was desirable for making one wise (her mind was compromised) she took some of its fruit and ate (taste). She also gave some to her husband, who was with her; and he ate.”

The enemy also placed a thought into Judas’ mind. John 13:2, “They were at supper, and the Adversary had already put the desire to betray him into the heart of Y’hudah Ben-Shim‘on from K’riot.” Judas embraced that desire and acted on it.

The mind is the battleground and is the central point of attacks by agents of darkness. It is susceptible to doubt and oppression. The mind is the beneficiary of what you select, see and hear. The two main gates of communication to your mind are through the eyes and ears. This is why we need to guard our eyes and ears from the entertainment industry and through mind-altering substances that can influence us and open our minds up to spiritual darkness. There has been an endless battle of warfare over who controls the thought processes of the mind ever since G-d first spoke to Adam and Eve.

Agents of darkness are intelligent beings that are able to make contact with your mind. They constantly tempt your mind, so much so, that some of these thoughts you may consider to be a natural part of you and you may find it difficult to determine and discern if they are your thoughts or the enemy’s. The adversary throws thoughts at you and sees if he can bait you! Will you agree with the thoughts he is offering you? Like Eve, it is up to you to come into agreement and act. Hearing the thought wasn’t the offense Eve committed, it was embracing it and acting upon it.

When the body of believers listen to the adversary’s propositions, it brings disunity, jealousy and competition. When envy and jealousy are present, there will be an intense desire to promote our own ideas and convictions to the refusal of everyone else’s. You can no longer function as a whole because of strife. James 3:16, “For where there are jealousy and selfish ambition, there will be disharmony and every foul practice.”

A divisive person will gather people around them, wanting them to see his/her point of view. They will bypass G-d’s authority. This brings confusion! Prophecies may flow from this individual, but most of it is false as they are under the control of the spirit of rebellion and deception. Deceiving practices will be present and performed.

The Word of G-d teaches us to be aware of divisive men and women. They will always cause disunity, gossip and slander. These people gather a group around them to believe what they say. These people betray their peers and leaders! If our minds are not renewed, the enemy will be able to use us to bring division in the church. When we focus our thoughts on the Word, it will bring unity and harmony.

Leave In Peace

If you have ever left a church or ministry out of anger or rebellion, it is important to go back to those leaders, repent, and ask them to release you with a blessing. Otherwise you will be running from ministry to ministry, group to group.

Maybe you have left a church because you felt your season at that church is over and G-d is leading you on to move to another church? That is fine, but it is important to leave without resentment or malice. Do not bad mouth while leaving. It is spiritually important to go with a blessing! Always seek peace!

Jealous Thoughts

Jealousy is very powerful force of darkness. We need to be aware of this vice so we can safeguard and defend ourselves from being a target of jealousy. Jealousy stems from insecurity and a false understanding of our identity. Frequently, an individual that is outwardly judgmental of others is inwardly judgmental of themselves. This stems from perfectionism. It is two sides of the same point of criticism. You have to deal with both sides.

If there has been a generational problem with the spirit of jealousy, it is a dangerous mix. Other evil spirits, (agents of darkness) are attracted to the spirit of jealousy from other people, with the several evil spirits gathering around people that struggle with jealousy, the spirits form an unholy alliance. Strife, bitterness, and lack of discernment increases. You have more than just jealousy that you are dealing with.

It Affects Your Body

When we renew our mind, we submit unto one another and we are under G-d-fearing leadership, seeking G-d together on whatever direction that needs to take place, Proverbs 14:30, “A tranquil mind gives health to the body, but envy rots the bones.”

Because of strife, jealousy, and bitterness, people are suffering physically. Jealousy and envy causes rottenness to the bones. Our spirit, soul and body are affected as a whole. To bring healing to these areas, our mind must be renewed to what G-d says!

The mind must be brought under submission of the Holy Spirit (Ruach ha-Kodesh). Our mind must be motivated by the Love of G-d and influenced by His Spirit.

When we have a clean and renewed mind, we have the mind of Yahshua! We can grow up in the glory of G-d – into His Image year after year! Our spirit, mind, and body can have healing!



About Eliyahu

 A Teaching & Resource Ministry:           To Equip the Saints in a Profound Way

A Teaching & Resource Ministry: To Equip the Saints in a Profound Way

Our ministry has over 30 years of experience teaching, counseling, and pastoring. Knowledge of scripture, theology, and hands on experience being in the front lines of spiritual warfare, has given us insight on the deeper truths and applications of scripture.

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